
Desperate Teenage Lovedolls (1984)

Directed by David Markey

Comedy | Drama | Music

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Two girls rediscover their love for playing rock, find a drummer and begin practicing. When one of their mothers intervenes, they run away from home and are forced to fend for themselves on the streets against gangs and rival bands. Soon they are discovered and taken under the wing of rock manager Johnny Tremaine (played by Steven McDonald) who uses them for sex and his own aspirations of wealth. The Love Dolls set out to get revenge on those who have wronged them, and rise to the top of the rock world.

Length 60 minutes


Jennifer Schwartz | Hilary Rubens | Janet Housden | Kim Pilkington | Steve McDonald | Tracy Marshak-Nash | Michael F. Glass | Jeffrey McDonald | Jordan Schwartz | Dez Cadena | Sky Saxon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/11/2020ComputerBroadcastVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

I’ve probably spent more money on a meal than the entire budget for this film, but that’s ok because it’s punk rock and it wears its DIY attitude on its sleeve.

Some great music by Red Kross, Nip Drivers, etc. slip in behind some unintentionally hilarious dialogue and over-the-top acting. Kind of a cross between SUBURBIA and anything Nick Zedd ever did, except without any of the seriousness with which those movies were made.


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