
Psychos in Love (1987)

Directed by Gorman Bechard

Comedy | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, themarc


A strip-joint owner and a manicurist find that they have many things in common, the foremost being that they are psychotic serial killers. They fall in love and are happy being the family that slays together, until one day they come up against a plumber who also happens to be a cannibal.

Length 88 minutes


Carmine Capobianco | Debi Thibeault | Frank Stewart | Cecelia Wilde | Ruth Collins | Donna Davidge | LeeAnne Baker | Angela Nicholas | Professor Morono | Eric Lutes | Irma St. Paule | Patti Chambers | Carla Bragoli | Carrie Gordon | Robert Suttile | Lum Chang Pang | Danny Noyes | Herb Klinger | Wally Gribauskas | Peach Gribauskas | Ed Powers | Frank Christopher | Shawn Light | Scott Sears | Tressa Zannino

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/18/2020Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Making my way through all the discs I’ve bought on sale the last two months or so. This was entertaining but self-aware horror comedies often aren’t my thing, especially when they break the fourth wall in ways that don’t really contribute to the film.

The leads are great though and this had to be fun to make. There was one scene in the bar with the aerobics stripper that had me crying. Other stuff is going on in the background but there’s just one guy at the stage looking increasingly astonished by the non-stripping aerobics workout happening in front of him and his performance is great!


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