
Relic (2020)

Directed by Natalie Erika James

Horror | Drama


When elderly mother Edna inexplicably vanishes, her daughter rushes to the family’s decaying home, finding clues of her increasing dementia scattered around the house in her absence.

Length 89 minutes


Emily Mortimer | Bella Heathcote | Robyn Nevin | Chris Bunton | Steve Rodgers | Catherine Glavicic | Jeremy Stanford | Christina O'Neill | John Browning | Robin Northover

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/26/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

While not entirely successful there’s plenty of creepy stuff combined with great production and sound design to make it worthwhile. I did like the ending I was just hoping for a little more payoff during the third act.

That said, there are some genuinely creepy moments that raised the hair on the back of my neck, which is always a good thing.

As far as the premise goes, very effective for me given my parents’ ages and mine.


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