
Lucky (2020)

Directed by Natasha Kermani



May, a self help author with all the answers, suddenly finds herself stalked by a masked man who mysteriously reappears every night. Even when she kills him. May struggles to get help from the people around her as she fights to stay alive. Is this paranoia, or is she doomed to accept her new reality?

Length 83 minutes


Brea Grant | Dhruv Uday Singh | Yasmine Al-Bustami | Kausar Mohammed | Kristina Klebe | Leith M. Burke | Chase Williamson | Jesse Merlin | Chivonne Michelle | Anzor Alem | Hunter C. Smith | Larry Cedar

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/12/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

A smart, subversive take on sexism, especially institutional sexism, and what it feels like to have to live that experience every single day of your life when you’re a woman.


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