
Evil Takes Root (2020)

Directed by Chris W. Freeman

Horror | Supernatural


A paranormal investigator arrives in a sleepy Midwest town to investigate the mysterious loss of his old lover and reconcile sins of the past. He discovers she fell victim to the Batibat, an ancient evil that followed her home from the Philippines.

Length 91 minutes


Nicholas Gonzalez | Sean Carrigan | Stevie Lynn Jones | John Churchill | Adetokumboh M'Cormack | Constance Brenneman | Reagan Belhorn | Thomas Downey | Debbie Doebereiner | Logan Fry | Jennie Malone | Brian Gackowski | Michelle Ng Mini | Meghan Garber | Chloe Garber | Deanna Sherman | Laurence J. Hokes | Michael Compton | Frank Sundquist | Amber Marie Tarrh | Richard Mason | Scott Summitt | Jason Petric | Jordyn Cox | Douglas McComb-Barnett | Bob Raymer | Syretta Bates | Tarissa Suchecki | Heather Caldwell | Trent Lint | Carmen Gangale | Stephanie Garber | Vickie Frink | Judith Mack | Charlotte Malley | Megan Sundermeier | Ruby Myles | Megan Valle | Charlie Rowe | Amber Nelson | Kayden Bryce | Jason Hetterscheidt | Brenna Sherman | Universe Niox | Peggy Miller | Jill French | Alison French | Drew French | Heather Fairbanks | Alyssa Gluck | Gretchen Jennings | Harper Jennings | Annie Mack | Universe Niox | Dean Paetzold | Victor Dwayne Little | Jeff Mallory | Shane Sullins | Amber Calvin | Wesley Williams | Matt Perl | Hickory Taylor | Lucas Abreu | Chelsea Mee | Angel Matheson | Tracie Parsley | Carly Tamborski | Leland Leger | Tila Lane | Bret Aaron Knower | Joseph R. Mack | David Risher | Heatherlyn Thomas | John French | Cosette Payne | Sophia Manyet

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/25/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Despite trying to jam too much in this movie was decent; managing some coherence despite lots of inconsistencies, dead ends and unexplained plot threads.

Still too heavily religious for my tastes but overall I liked it more than I expected to.


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