
Sting of Death (1966)

Directed by William Grefe

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A group of biology students head to the Florida Everglades for a holiday, but instead of fun in the sun, they run into trouble with a mutated, bloodthirsty, and quite deadly jellyfish-man-monster.

Length 80 minutes


Joe Morrison | Valerie Hawkins | John Vella | Jack Nagle | Sandy Lee Kane | Deanna Lund | Doug Hobart

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/30/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty fun B-grade monster movie. I’d totally expect this to play at B-Fest. It was a good way to close out the first day of the festival.


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