
I'm Your Woman (2020)

Directed by Julia Hart

Crime | Drama


A woman is forced to go on the run after her husband betrays his partners, sending her and her baby on a dangerous journey.

Rated R | Length 120 minutes


Rachel Brosnahan | Marsha Stephanie Blake | Arinzé Kene | Bill Heck | Frankie Faison | Marceline Hugot | James McMenamin | Jameson Charles | Justin Charles | Barrett Shaffer | Da'mauri Parks | Jarrod DiGiorgi | Mary Rawson | Anita Rodriguez | Alison Weisgall | Natasha Yannotti | Daniel Johnson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/12/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

An interesting crime film with a different perspective. I liked some of the unexpected twists and turns in this even if it wasn’t entirely successful.


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