
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Directed by Stanley Kubrick

Science Fiction

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, schofizzy, sleestakk, danfinn, lordofthemovies, loganpm, krazykat, Mikesmith89, noahphex


Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world’s most advanced super computer.

Rated G | Length 149 minutes


Keir Dullea | Gary Lockwood | William Sylvester | Douglas Rain | Daniel Richter | Leonard Rossiter | Margaret Tyzack | Robert Beatty | Sean Sullivan | Frank Miller | Ed Bishop | Edwina Carroll | Heather Downham | Penny Brahms | Maggie d'Abo | Chela Matthison | Judy Kiern | Alan Gifford | Ann Gillis | Vivian Kubrick | Kenneth Kendall | Kevin Scott | Martin Amor | Bill Weston | Glenn Beck | Mike Lovell | John Ashley | Jimmy Bell | David Charkham | Simon Davis | Jonathan Daw | Péter Delmár | Terry Duggan | David Fleetwood | Danny Grover | Brian Hawley | David Hines | Tony Jackson | John Jordan | Scott MacKee | Laurence Marchant | Darryl Paes | Joe Refalo | Andy Wallace | Bob Wilyman | Richard Woods | S. Newton Anderson | Sheraton Blount | Ann Bormann | Julie Croft | Penny Francis | Marcella Markham | Irena Marr | Krystyna Marr | Kim Neil | Jane Pearl | Penny Pearl | Burnell Tucker | John Swindells | John Clifford | Stanley Kubrick | Anthony Jackson | Frank W. Miller

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/14/2020Home Theater4K Blu-rayOwned10 stars
02/16/2013Movie ScreenFilmTheater10 stars

Viewing Notes

the 4K in the home theater did not disappoint! I’d still prefer it in 70mm in a theater but this is the second best option!


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