
Taste of Fear (1961)

Directed by Seth Holt

Thriller | Crime | Mystery

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father’s estate after ten years, and although she’s told he’s away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.

Rated NR | Length 82 minutes


Susan Strasberg | Ronald Lewis | Ann Todd | Christopher Lee | John Serret | Leonard Sachs | Anne Blake | Fred Johnson | Madame Lobegue | Bernard Browne | Frederick Rawlings | Richard Klee | Brian Jackson | Heinz Bernard | Frederick Schrecker | Gordon Sterne | Rodney Burke

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/02/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Really well done thriller/mystery from Hammer. I keep getting surprised by their non-horror output and this little gem, written by Jimmy Sangster, is a great example. More reminiscent of Clouzot’s DIABOLIQUE than Hitchcock but I could see either comparison.

Really well shot and cast, it has an air of gothic horror about it. I love that it does a lot of its misdirection through the casting itself.


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