
The Block Island Sound (2021)

Directed by Kevin McManus, Matthew McManus

Horror | Science Fiction | Mystery


Something lurks off the coast of Block Island, silently influencing the behavior of fisherman, Tom Lynch. After suffering a series of violent outbursts, he unknowingly puts his family in grave danger.

Rated NR | Length 100 minutes


Chris Sheffield | Michaela McManus | Neville Archambault | Matilda Lawler | Ryan O'Flanagan | Jim Cummings | Heidi Niedermeyer | Jeremy Holm | Willie C. Carpenter | Matthew Lawler | Robyn Payne | PJ McCabe

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/10/2021Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Interesting sci-fi/horror that depends almost entirely on what what you can’t see. Effectively creepy at times but perhaps overly long given the ultimate premise. Kinda thunks you on the head with that ending but also appropriate to wrap things up.


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