
Scenes from an Empty Church (2021)

Directed by Onur Tukel



In a locked-down NYC, two priests open their church doors to those seeking salvation during the most isolating of times. From the commonplace to the truly metaphysical, their visitors reflect the full spectrum of personal crises of spirituality. Throughout their encounters with the city’s sweetest, wildest and weirdest, the two priests learn the importance of connection, empathy and open-mindedness. Sometimes a little faith is all you need to make it through the bad times.

Length 98 minutes


Kevin Corrigan | Max Casella | Thomas Jay Ryan | Natalie Carter | Marjorie Johnson | Eva Dorrepaal | Annie McCain Engman | Edward Carnevale | Vít Hořejš | Craig Bierko | Paul Reiser | Richard Mark Jordan | Alan Ceppos | Franck Raharinosy

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/24/2021Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Well done rumination on the year 2020 and the pandemic that doesn’t feel exploitative or grounded in that specific moment, but more universal.


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