
Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021)

Directed by Jacob Gentry

Crime | Mystery | Horror


In the late 90s, a video archivist unearths a series of sinister pirate broadcasts and becomes obsessed with uncovering the dark conspiracy behind them.

Length 104 minutes


Harry Shum Jr. | Kelley Mack | Chris Sullivan | Michael B. Woods | Arif Yampolsky | Richard Cotovsky | Steve Pringle | Justin Welborn | Jennifer Jelsema | Anthony E. Cabral | Madrid St. Angelo | Preston Tate Jr. | James Swanton | Thomas Kosik | Zoe Cooper

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/31/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars
06/29/2021Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Final full length film of the festival for me. Nice to end it with a Chicago-based neo noir that involves strange pirate broadcasts using automatons with possibly hidden messages. Completely up my alley with references to BBSes and a few nods to the infamous Max Headroom pirate broadcast that happened on November 22, 1987; and the Captain Midnight pirate broadcast that took over HBO on April 27, 1986. Pretty fun stuff for nerds like me.

The story itself plays out like a classic noir against a hacker/video nerd backdrop. Really well done.


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