
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948)

Directed by Norman Foster

Film Noir | Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.

Rated NR | Length 79 minutes


Joan Fontaine | Burt Lancaster | Robert Newton | Lewis L. Russell | Aminta Dyne | Grizelda Harvey | Jay Novello | Colin Keith-Johnston | Reginald Sheffield | Campbell Copelin | Leyland Hodgson | Peter Forbes | John George | Melinda Byron | Al Ferguson | Frank Hagney | Bobby Hale

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/11/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

What a great little film noir! Gorgeous cinematography and an excellent by turns menacing and hopeful performance by Burt Lancaster opposite every day beautiful Joan Fontaine. They make a great pair with great chemistry.

There are some masterfully great dutch angles in this too.


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