
The Dogs of War (1980)

Directed by John Irvin

War | Action | Drama


Mercenary soldiers Jamie and Drew are hired by a large corporation to liberate Zangaro, a small African nation, from an iron-fisted despot. Once there, Jamie ends up in jail. After being brutally tortured, he is assisted by political prisoner Dr. Okoye and learns more about the plight of the country’s people. After Jamie is freed, he becomes disillusioned with his wealthy employers and joins the Zangaro people on the revolutionary front.

Rated R | Length 118 minutes


Christopher Walken | Tom Berenger | Winston Ntshona | Hugh Millais | JoBeth Williams | Paul Freeman | Colin Blakely | Jean-François Stévenin | Pedro Armendáriz Jr. | Ed O'Neill | Jean-Pierre Kalfon | Alan Beckwith | Gyearbuor Asante

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/16/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6.5 stars
04/27/2012TVDVDRented6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

From a Frederick Forsyth novel, with an interestingly eclectic cast led by Chris Walken. This, along with THE WILD GEESE, was a childhood favorite and stoked my interest in modern day mercenaries for a little bit.


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