
Cloak and Dagger (1946)

Directed by Fritz Lang

War | Thriller | Drama


Italian partisans help a professor sent by the OSS to find an atomic scientist held by Nazis.

Rated NR | Length 106 minutes


Gary Cooper | Lilli Palmer | Robert Alda | Vladimir Sokoloff | J. Edward Bromberg | Marjorie Hoshelle | Ludwig Stössel | Helene Thimig | Dan Seymour | Marc Lawrence | James Flavin | Patrick O'Moore | Charles Marsh | Yola d'Avril | Lex Barker | Robert Coote | Hella Crossley | Elvira Curci | Claire Du Brey | Gil Perkins | Lotte Stein | Victor Zimmerman | Dan Sheridan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/24/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Got my semi-large haul of films from Eureka’s October sale in the mail last week and decided to dig into this Fritz Lang war film I’ve never seen before.

Released in the immediate post-war climate of 1946 with a story written by two soon-to-be-blacklisted writers and starring a slightly out-of-place Gary Cooper as a nuclear scientist drawn into service for the OSS to stop the Nazis from developing a nuclear weapon themselves.

Beautiful production design and cinematography. The ending felt weird and out of place though. After watching the visual essay in the extras there was mention of an entirely different ending that was shot by Lang before being summarily cut by the producer. From the description it sounds much more appropriate, if darker, than the ending we actually got. I’d love to see that footage. Don’t know if it’s lost per se, but it’s definitely not included here.


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