
TC 2000 (1993)

Directed by T.J. Scott

Science Fiction | Action

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Somewhere in the future the environmental overkill had come. Many people had died. The rich were able to build the underworld, the poor had to stay on the surface building gangs to survive. Jason Storm, an underworld guard gets knowledge of a conspiracy to kill all people on the surface. He needs to flee to the surface, and wins Sumai, a respected martial arts master, as his ally to stop the dirty plot.

Length 95 minutes


Bolo Yeung | Billy Blanks | Jalal Merhi | Bobbie Phillips | Matthias Hues | Kelly Gallant | Alex Appel | Harry Mok | M.J. Kang | Doug Lennox | Garry Robbins | Ted Ludzik | Kevin Lund

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/11/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Featuring some of the same cast and crew as TIGER CLAWS but set in a post apocalyptic dystopia. Kind of a blend of martial arts, and Italo post-apocalyptic movies from the 80s, but starring Billy Blanks!

Not a great movie but highly entertaining and just a fun watch, especially with Bolo Yeung in a rare good guy role.


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