
Red River (1948)

Directed by Howard Hawks

Western | Adventure | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Following the Civil War, headstrong rancher Thomas Dunson decides to lead a perilous cattle drive from Texas to Missouri. During the exhausting journey, his persistence becomes tyrannical in the eyes of Matthew Garth, his adopted son and protégé.

Rated NR | Length 133 minutes


John Wayne | Montgomery Clift | Joanne Dru | Walter Brennan | Coleen Gray | Harry Carey | John Ireland | Noah Beery Jr. | Harry Carey, Jr. | Chief Yowlachie | Paul Fix | Hank Worden | Mickey Kuhn | Ray Hyke | Hal Taliaferro | Lane Chandler | Davison Clark | Harry Cording | Richard Farnsworth | Paul Fierro | George Lloyd | Pierce Lyden | Frank Meredith | John Merton | Jack Montgomery | Ivan Parry | Lee Phelps | John Rice | William Self | Carl Sepulveda | Ray Spiker | Glenn Strange | Tom Tyler | Dan White | Guy Wilkerson | Shelley Winters

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/04/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars

Viewing Notes

Wayne and Clift make a great team in this deconstruction of Western cowboy masculinity, subverting Wayne’s typical persona. There are two versions in this set, the theatrical version and a pre-theatrical version. I watched the former since it’s said to be Hawks’ preferred version of the film.


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