
Hell and High Water (1954)

Directed by Samuel Fuller

Action | Adventure | Thriller


A privately-financed scientist and his colleagues hire an ex-Navy officer to conduct an Alaskan submarine expedition in order to prevent a Red Chinese anti-American plot that may lead to World War III. Mixes deviously plotted schoolboy fiction with submarine spectacle and cold war heroics.

Rated NR | Length 103 minutes


Richard Widmark | Bella Darvi | Victor Francen | Cameron Mitchell | Gene Evans | David Wayne | Stephen Bekassy | Richard Loo | Robert Adler | Eugene Borden | Leslie Bradley | Henry Kulky | Peter Ortiz | Ray Stevens | John Wengraf | Ben Wright | Harry Carter | Harry Denny | Frank Kumagai | Eddie Lee | Cactus Mack | Rollin Moriyama | Ron Nyman | Don Orlando | Beal Wong

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/10/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Really fun yarn from Sam Fuller. From Eureka’s Masters of Cinema line, and one of Fuller’s I hadn’t seen before.


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