
Captain Clegg (1962)

Directed by Peter Graham Scott

Adventure | Thriller | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A captain and his sailors investigate the rampaging “Marsh Phantoms” terrorizing a coastal town, but their search is hindered by a local reverend and a horrifying curse.

Rated NR | Length 83 minutes


Peter Cushing | Patrick Allen | Oliver Reed | Yvonne Romain | Michael Ripper | Martin Benson | David Lodge | Derek Francis | Milton Reid | Rupert Osborne | Jack MacGowran | Daphne Anderson | Bob Head | Peter Halliday | Terry Scully | Sydney Bromley | Gordon Rollings | Colin Douglas | Bill Brandon | Gerry Crampton | Harold Gee | Kate O'Mara | Jack Sharp | Fred Wood

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/21/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Also known as NIGHT CREATURES here in the U.S. This disc from Indicator contains both versions of the movie under both titles. Such a strange, interesting little gem that defies description!


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