
Supernatural (1933)

Directed by Victor Halperin

Horror | Crime | Mystery


After her brother’s death, Roma Courtney becomes the heiress to his fortune. When a fake psychic claims to have a message from Roma’s dead brother, he coaxes her into participating in a séance. While her fiancé first believes the séance is nothing more than a scam, he eventually realizes that the vengeful spirit of an executed murderer has possessed Roma’s body.

Length 65 minutes


Carole Lombard | Alan Dinehart | Vivienne Osborne | Randolph Scott | H.B. Warner | Beryl Mercer | William Farnum | Willard Robertson | George Burr Macannan | Lyman Williams

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/24/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars


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