
Murder by Contract (1958)

Directed by Irving Lerner

Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk


Claude is a ruthless and efficient contract killer. His next target, a woman, is the most difficult.

Rated NR | Length 81 minutes


Vince Edwards | Phillip Pine | Herschel Bernardi | Caprice Toriel | Michael Granger | Kathie Browne | Joseph Mell | Frances Osborne | Steven Ritch | Don Garrett | Janet Brandt | Davis Roberts | Joanne Arnold | William H. O'Brien | Albert Cavens | Cisco Houston

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/26/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Such a strange movie! Plays like a beatnik version of a film noir while being neither, really. Anchored by an idiosyncratic lead performance. While it didn’t land well with me, I would love to see a remake of this.


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