
Mutant Blast (2019)

Directed by Fernando Alle

Science Fiction | Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Maria, a fearless soldier, and TS-347, a man with superhuman strength, are being pursued by a military cell responsible for scientific experiments that have resulted in a zombie apocalypse. On the way, they will meet Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a great hangover. Together, they will try to escape to a safe place, but complications will cross their paths in the form of a nuclear bomb.

Length 84 minutes


Pedro Barão Dias | Maria Leite | João Vilas | Mário Oliveira | Clemente Santos | Sofia Reis | Joaquim Guerreiro | Solange Freitas | Francisco Lopes | Matilde Jalles | Mauro Hermínio

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/14/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed8 stars

Viewing Notes

Capped off movie night with this crazy, low budget but highly entertaining film from Portugal. This is probably the best thing Troma has ever produced! Lots of fun and a perfect midnight movie.


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