
Mr. Nice Guy (1997)

Directed by Sammo Hung

Action | Adventure | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak


A Chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape.

Rated PG-13 | Length 95 minutes


Jackie Chan | Richard Norton | Miki Lee | Karen McLymont | Gabrielle Fitzpatrick | Vince Poletto | Barry Otto | Sammo Hung Kam-Bo | Wakin Chau | Joyce Godenzi | Peter Houghton | Peter Lindsay | David William No | Rachel Blakely | Judy Green | Stephen Friedrich | Stuart Richie | Jonathan Isgar | Kyne Sedgeman | Steve Kahlua | Matthew Trihey | Matthew Meersbergen | Les Uzice | Karl Ajami | Frederick MacClure | Bradley James Allan | Rocky McDonald | Paul Andreovski | David Baldwin | Kerry Blakeman | Marky Lee Campbell | Terry Carter | Dennis Lundin | Tony Doherty | Cameron Douglas | Paul Douglas | Stuart Ellis | Mark Fitzpatrick | Stuart Fraser | Michael Hammad | Habby Heske | Brent Houghton | Richard Huggett | Graham Jahne | Chris Kemp | Robert Lowe | Ian Mall | Izeqiel McCoy | Mike Menzies | Jason Murphy | Michael Noonan | George Novak | Grant Page | Puven Pather | Harry Pavlidis | George Popovich | Johnny Raaen | Joseph Sayah | Gary Shambrooke | Vess Svorcan | Davin Taylor | Darko Tuscan | Jade Weitering | Damon Young | Aaron Notarfrancesco | Jake Notarfrancesco | Frederick Miragliotta | Nick Carrafa | Rod Catteral | Ben Mitchell | Mark Neal | Jerome Pride | Keith Agius | Greg Jamieson | Matthew Dyktynski | Salik Silverstein | Lynne Murphy | Nicholas Bufalo | Shane Alexander | Carla Bonner | Chan Man-Ching | Andy Cheng | Glen Chin | Chong Laap Duk Sai Moon | Rocky Lai | Nicky Li Chung-Chi | Mars | Dan Tucker

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/18/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

The goofy, ridiculous story is only there to provide a loose framework for Sammo and Jackie’s insane stuntwork in this underrated action comedy set in Australia. It’s another example of Chan trying to appeal to a broad global audience and one of a handful of his films set in Australia.

A lot of the stunts in this make it onto highlight reels and documentaries about Jackie Chan but I suspect a lot of people, just like me before this viewing, haven’t seen the full movie.


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