
Supernova (2000)

Directed by Walter Hill, Jack Sholder

Science Fiction | Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Set in the 22nd century, when a battered salvage ship sends out a distress signal, the seasoned crew of the rescue hospital ship Nova-17 responds. What they find is a black hole—that threatens to destroy both ships—and a mysterious survivor whose body quickly mutates into a monstrous and deadly form.

Rated PG-13 | Length 91 minutes


James Spader | Angela Bassett | Robert Forster | Lou Diamond Phillips | Peter Facinelli | Robin Tunney | Wilson Cruz | Eddy Rice Jr. | Knox White | Kerrigan Mahan | Vanessa Marshall | Kevin Sizemore

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/02/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally managed to secure this on Blu-ray for a decent price, considering it’s out of print. This is one of the few Walter Hill films I didn’t own and I’d been wanting to revisit it for a while now.

Still a mess of a movie, though not terrible. You can see Hill’s hands all over this even though he (rightly) disavowed the final cut of the film. I’d love to see his director’s cut of this.

Notably this version is missing the manufactured sex scene between Spader and Bassett which is really just edited footage of another cut sex scene between different characters where they color graded Tunney’s skin to make it look like a darker Bassett. So dumb. Studios are dumb.


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