
Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978)

Directed by Chen Chi-Hwa

Action | Comedy

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk


A young daydreamer assumes the identity of a dead martial arts hero and quickly finds himself caught up in a plot by several clans to steal famous martial arts artifacts being transported by an escort company.

Rated R | Length 97 minutes


Jackie Chan | James Tien | Doris Lung Chun-Erh | Kim Chung-ran | Chin Kang | Lee Hae-Ryong | Ma Ju-Lung | Tien Miao | Lin Chao-Hsiung | Dean Shek | Julie Lee Chi-lun | Lee Man-Tai | Ko Keung | Gam Sai-Yuk | Kong Lung-Sing | Chui Yuen | Miu Tak-San | Ho Kang | Yu Bong | Li Min-Lang | Wu Ma | Yao Wang | Lin Kuang-Yung | Hu Han-Chang | Yang Lieh | Che Dei | Chan Gam-Chu | Bang Su-Il | Chan Long | Man Lee-Pang | Lin Wan-Chang | Peng Kong | Chu Shao-Hwa | Chen Hsiang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/06/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Kicking off movie night with a goofy comedy/martial arts film featuring Jackie Chan really working the comedy elements into a traditional martial arts film framework, even poking fun at Shaw Brothers films along the way.


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