
Sissy (2022)

Directed by Kane Senes, Hannah Barlow

Horror | Comedy


Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream, until she runs into her ex-childhood best friend and is invited away on her bachelorette weekend. Suddenly, Sissy finds herself stuck in a remote cabin with her school bully… and a taste for revenge.

Length 102 minutes


Aisha Dee | Emily De Margheriti | Hannah Barlow | Daniel Monks | Yerin Ha | Lucy Barrett | Shaun Martindale | Amelia Lule | April Blasdall | Camille Cumpston | Louise Barlow | Melissa Brownlow | Victoria Hopkins | Neil Parikh

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2022TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

I just don’t think I’m the target audience for movies like this. Tries to take an irreverent approach, especially with the music, but just doesn’t work for me.

Like many kids I was certainly bullied in school (even college) but I’m not particularly traumatized by any of it, especially because I mostly put a stop to it by punching motherfuckers in the face as needed. That said, I recognize that lots of people are seriously emotionally scarred by bullying and carry that around for a long time, perhaps forever.

So treating that in a jokey way just didn’t sit well with me. The actual event the plot is based around needed more fleshing out too. I honestly was hoping every single person on screen with get killed because they were all so morally ambiguous.

All of that said, it’s a well made movie and the effects are well done, especially when it comes to the violence.


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