
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974)

Directed by Terence Fisher



Dr Simon Helder, sentenced to an insane asylum for crimes against humanity, recognises its director as the brilliant Baron Frankenstein, the man whose work he had been trying to emulate before his imprisonment. Frankenstein utilises Helder’s medical knowledge for a project he has been working on for some time. He is assembling a man from vital organs extracted from various inmates in the asylum. And the Baron will resort to murder to acquire the perfect specimens for his most ambitious project ever.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Peter Cushing | Shane Briant | Madeline Smith | David Prowse | John Stratton | Michael Ward | Norman Mitchell | Elsie Wagstaff | Christopher Cunningham | Patrick Troughton | Clifford Mollison | Philip Voss | Charles Lloyd Pack | Bernard Lee | Sydney Bromley | Andrea Lawrence | Jerold Wells | Mischa De La Motte | Lucy Griffiths | Peter Madden | Nicholas Smith | Hugh Cecil

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

I’ve owned the DVD of this forever but apparently never watched it because it wasn’t familiar to me at all. The Second Sight Blu-ray looks pretty good. Watched the 1.66 x 1 aspect ratio version which is the aspect ratio it was projected in at British theaters when it came out. The other version on disc is 1.37 x1. Neither is the purported 1.85 x 1 original aspect ratio according to IMDB. Might have to do some research to see what’s correct, but as per usual there may not be a single answer to that question.

Also forgot that Dave Prowse plays the monster in this.


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