
KFC (2016)

Directed by Lê Bình Giang



A necrophilic doctor, a man wearing headphones and a bunch of cannibals are just a few of the characters in this bizarre debut by director Lê Bình Giang about the cyclical effect of violence.

Length 69 minutes


Ta Quang Chien | Tram Primrose | Hoang Ba Son | Tony Nguyen

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/24/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Clocking in at a svelt 69 minutes, this is a series of vignettes of inter-related characters in non-linear format, which means you have to pay attention to the details of the characters to understand the overall context of the story.

Not bad for a first time director who didn’t have any funding and mostly used friends instead of experienced actors. Took him five years to complete.


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