
Satan's Slaves 2: Communion (2022)

Directed by Joko Anwar

Horror | Supernatural


After moving from their home to an apartment building, a new terror awaits Rini’s family.

Length 119 minutes


Tara Basro | Bront Palarae | Endy Arfian | Ratu Felisha | Nasar Anuz | Egy Fedly | Jourdy Pranata | Muzakki Ramdhan | M. Adhiyat | Fatih Unru | Moh Iqbal Sulaiman | Nafiza Fatia Rani | Kiki Narendra | Fachry Albar | Asmara Abigail | Ayu Laksmi | Rukman Rosadi | Maera Panigoro | Sita Nursanti | Muhammad Abe Baasyin | Patty Sandya | Mukhlist Abot | Mian Tiara | Aimee Saras | Aghi Narottama | Ahmad Ramadhan Alrasyid | Nitta Nazyra C. Noer | Ibrahim Mardikusno | Cindy Nirmala | Tommy Dewo | Bonaventura Sarif Andrian | Rieviena Yulieta | Tia Hasibuan | Joko Anwar | Nindy Prameswary | Keisha Gayo | Ratu Silvi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/05/2022Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Has its moments but felt a little too crowded with ideas and characters to be fully effective. Glad I watched the first one before this since it makes a lot more sense when you remember what happened to the family in the first film. I do love the carry through of some ideas from the first film that, in retrospect, felt like a set up for this one!


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