
Dancing Eurynome (1985)

Directed by Gábor Bódy

Animation | Music | Short


Dancing eurynome (Mytho-Clip) is dedicated to the Greek goddess Eurynome, the child of Oceanus and Tethys. She was the mother of the Graces and of the river-god Aesopus. Eurynome dances on water - and to the music of der Plan. Astrological symbols (an egg, a bird and the suchlike) are added to the image of her mythical dance. In Mytho-Clip (as in Philo-Clip and Lyric-Clip), Bódy exploits video’s considerable potential to transform the image.

Length 4 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/22/2023ComputerBroadcastOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

Intrigued enough to see more of his work even if this one didn’t strike me as particularly great. I liked the music by der Plan though.


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