
Future-Kill (1985)

Directed by Ronald W. Moore

Science Fiction | Thriller | Horror

Most recently watched by Javitron, zombiefreak


The star of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” returns in a story about frat boys lost in the big city while hunted by a violent leader and his elite gang of gun-happy guards.

Rated R | Length 89 minutes


Edwin Neal | Marilyn Burns | Gabriel Folse | Wade Reese | Barton Faulks | John Hawkes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/25/2023ComputerBroadcastOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

Didn’t catch all of it this morning, so hopefully I can watch it in its entirety when it repeats or they re-air it because there’s no other way to see it. Pretty low budget but still fun, although you gotta laugh at the idea of frat boys as the heroes. I’d marginally lump this into the Post-Apocalyptic sub-genre because it has a lot of the same elements while not technically being set in a post-apocalyptic world.


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