
Love After Death (1968)

Directed by Glauco del Mar

Crime | Drama | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk


During a cataleptic fit, Montel is buried alive, a burial plotted by his greedy wife Sofia with several men, including her lover, Montel’s doctor. Exiting his grave, Montel goes on a sexual rampage.

Length 72 minutes


Guillermo De Córdova | Roberto Maurano | Carmin O'Neal | Ángelo Ramírez | Gloris García | Yolanda Signorelli | Cherie Winters | Jennifer Welles | Sheila Britt

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/24/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

OMG what even IS this film?! This is so perfectly a Something Weird film. The movie was filmed somewhere in South America and then re-edited and dubbed (poorly) in America and released on the grindhouse circuit. It’s basically a softcore sex film with a weird plot wraparound dealing with a sexually frustrated husband who maybe suffers from catalepsy and comes back from his premature burial. His end goal is to get revenge on his wife and doctor who conspired to have him buried alive and are maybe having an affair, but along the way he wanders in and out of a number of sexual adventures of all sorts including scenes with a transvestite, lesbians, good ol’ man/woman hookup and one scene where he sneaks in on another couple and takes the place of the man without the woman knowing.

Just when you think it can’t get weirder, there’s that ending!


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