
Sex of the Witch (1973)

Directed by Angelo Pannacciò

Horror | Mystery | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


An old man dies and as his relatives await their dosh they start getting killed, sort of by a witch!

Length 80 minutes


Susanna Levi | Jessica Dublin | Sergio Ferrero | Camille Keaton | Franco Garofalo | Donald O'Brien | Augusto Nobile | Gianni Dei | Maurizio Tanfani | Marzia Damon | Annamaria Tornello | Lorenza Guerrieri

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/31/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Hard to call this a Camille Keaton film since she’s got a fairly minor role in an ensemble cast, but there you have it. Lots of sex and some kind of half-formed revenge plan that only seems to mostly play out in the end. Even the discovery of the killer doesn’t really resolve anything much, but no one seems to care.

It does have that weird, cool euro vibe to it and has no issues showing off extended sex scenes for no real reason other than because that’s the vibe. So different from puritanical American films!


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