
Get the Hell Out (2020)

Directed by Wang I Fan

Action | Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A group, lead by a loser MP and his assistant, must work together to stay alive after a virus infects the Taiwanese parliament and turns them all into ravenous zombies.

Length 96 minutes


Bruce Hung | Megan Lai | Tou Chung-Hua | Wang Chung-Huang | Guo Hui | Lin He Xuan | Yushan Lin | Wang Lan Sheng | Li Shao-Peng | Kui-Hong Li | He Zhi-Ren | Liu Xiu-Ci

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/21/2023TVBroadcastOther6 stars
10/30/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Movie number six and the first one I’ve seen before. I watched this during one of the online festivals during the pandemic. Apparently it has never been released on physical media or streaming since. I only remembered in general terms so it was fun to revisit. Horror comedies are generally not my cup of tea unless they’re really good, but this one has enough fun stuff in it to be entertaining.


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