
The Sender (1982)

Directed by Roger Christian

Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk, themarc, zombiefreak, noahphex


A disturbed telepathic man is able to transmit his dreams and visions into the minds of the people around him.

Rated R | Length 91 minutes


Kathryn Harrold | Zeljko Ivanek | Shirley Knight | Paul Freeman | Sean Hewitt | Harry Ditson | Olivier Pierre | Tracy Harper | Al Matthews | Marsha A. Hunt | Angus MacInnes | Jana Shelden | Manning Redwood | John Stephen Hill | Monica Buford | Peter Carlisle

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/28/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Our fifth feature film of Scream, Secret Cinema, Scream! horror marathon and yet another film I discovered via someone mentioning it on Twitter.

This is an interesting, PATRICK-style, horror thriller set mostly in a psychiatric hospital where Zeljko Ivanek’s John Doe character is admitted after trying to commit suicide by drowning himself at the local community beach. As with dream-based movies, movies featuring telepaths get to break the rules of reality and so there are some really fun, sometimes even gory, horror sequences in this.

It’s great to see longtime character actor Ivanek in a starring role very early in his career. He’s attended to by Dr. Gail Farmer, played by the effortlessly beautiful Kathryn Harrold (seriously, I’m smitten), whose care borders on motherliness and starts to cross the line into obsessiveness. Shirley Knight gives a great, borderline campy, performance as John Doe’s mother which contrasts well with the more grounded performances of the main characters. I also love Sean Hewitt and Al Matthews’ performances as institutionalized patients who interact with Ivanek’s Doe the most. Matthews is particularly great.

I managed to pick up the Olive Films Blu-ray of this for a decent price. I imagine this will get harder to find on physical media with the demise of Olive Films but it’s also available to rent via Amazon Prime at the moment.


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