
Flight to Mars (1951)

Directed by Lesley Selander

Science Fiction | Drama | Adventure


Four scientists and a newsman crash land on Mars and meet martians who act friendly.

Length 72 minutes


Arthur Franz | Virginia Huston | Cameron Mitchell | John Litel | Richard Gaines | Morris Ankrum | Marguerite Chapman | Lucille Barkley | Robert Barrat | Edward Earle | William Forrest | David Bond | Stanley Blystone | Tris Coffin | Everett Glass | Trevor Bardette

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/13/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

An interesting poverty row sci-fi that came out at the dawn of the sci-fi boom in movies. Obviously low budget, but not so low that it takes away from its charm. I love the bunk beds in the spacecraft and the depiction of G-forces! Though they don’t refer to it as a slingshot move, they do fit in using the “gravity” of the Moon to boost their trajectory towards Mars.

The whole jealous lover/competing for the only female scientist thing is goofy and unnecessary but still entertaining, just not in the way it was probably intended.


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