
Parasites (2016)

Directed by Chad Ferrin

Action | Horror | Thriller


A group of friends get lost in the seedy streets where they encounter a crazed gang of homeless derelicts that seizes them and kills them one by one. The surviving man escapes on foot, naked and unarmed, with a pack of depraved transients in pursuit, and only seconds away from capture.

Rated R | Length 81 minutes


Robert Miano | Sean Samuels | Joseph Pilato | Silvia Spross | Robert Rhine | Rich Young Lee | Sebastian Fernandez | Jeffrey Decker | Paul Louis Harrell | Eddie Kehler | Shaun T. Benjamin | Kurt Bonzell | Burt Culver | Suzanne Sumner Ferry | Tim Halpin | Abraham Martinez | Peter Mendoza | Carson Nicely | Francisco Ovalle | Casey Powell | Elli Rahn | Art Roberts | David Z. Stamp | Wolfie Trausch | Scott Vogel | Chad Ferrin

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/23/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

This is the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD of the 2010s.


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