
El Conde (2023)

Directed by Pablo Larraín

Comedy | Fantasy | History


After living for over two centuries, Augusto Pinochet is a vampire ready to die… but the vultures around him won’t let him go without one last bite.

Rated R | Length 112 minutes


Jaime Vadell | Gloria Münchmeyer | Alfredo Castro | Paula Luchsinger | Stella Gonet | Catalina Guerra | Amparo Noguera | Antonia Zegers | Marcial Tagle | Diego Muñoz | Clemente Rodriguez | Rosario Zamora | Sofia Maluk | Marcelo Alonso | Daniel Contesse | Daniela Seguel | Jaime McManus | Alessandra Guerzoni | Mariela Mignot | Josefina González | Fanny Moreno | Aldo Parodi | Claudio Barbas | Francisca Walker | Mateo Iribarren | Patricia Rivadeneira | Eyal Meyer | Lucrecia Dalma | Diego Martínez Ruíz | Josefina Dagorret | Norma Ortiz | Victor Montero | Dara Palacios | Bernardita Nassar | Dindi Jane | Valentina Barrios

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/26/2024Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

I figured I’d do my best to try to fill in the gaps of movies nominated for an Oscar this year since I’ve seen a lot of them already. EL CONDE is nominated for Best Foreign Film and it was already on my to-watch list. I love the premise for this and the black and white cinematography is gorgeous. I know it was shot digitally and film grain added to it, but it looks pretty damn good. I’m glad I have a home theater because this movie deserves to be watched on as big a screen as possible.


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