
The Hole in the Ground (2019)

Directed by Lee Cronin

Horror | Mystery | Drama


Trying to escape her broken past, Sarah O’Neill is building a new life on the fringes of a backwood rural town with her young son Chris. A terrifying encounter with a mysterious neighbour shatters her fragile security, throwing Sarah into a spiralling nightmare of paranoia and mistrust, as she tries to uncover if the disturbing changes in her little boy are connected to an ominous sinkhole buried deep in the forest that borders their home.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Seána Kerslake | James Quinn Markey | Simone Kirby | Steve Wall | Eoin Macken | Sarah Hanly | James Cosmo | Kati Outinen | Bennett Andrew | David Crowley | John Quinn | Miro Lopperi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/17/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

From the director of EVIL DEAD RISE. I liked the story but the lack of lighting turns key scenes into overly dark, murky messes that really take away from the film as a whole. It’s my biggest complaint about EVIL DEAD RISE as well, but to a lesser extent. Anyway, light your fucking movies properly, damnit!


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