
Haeckel's Tale (2006)

Directed by John McNaughton



A grieving widower seeking the help of a necromancer is told the terrible tale of Ernst Haeckel, a man obsessed with reanimation.

Length 60 minutes


Steve Bacic | Micki Maunsell | Gerard Plunkett | Derek Cecil | Pablo Coffey | Jon Polito | Warren Kimmel | Jill Morrison | Elizabeth McQuade | Tom McBeath | Leela Savasta | Christopher DeLisle

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/18/2024Home TheaterDVDOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

You can tell the screenplay was written for Romero, but McNaughten does a great job with the material, considering he was a third string replacement director.


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