
Neon City (1991)

Directed by Monte Markham

Science Fiction | Action | Adventure


“Mad Max” clone set in the not-too-distant future about a group of people trying to escape to a safe haven called Neon City after a solar disaster that has decimated the Earth.

Length 99 minutes


Michael Ironside | Vanity | Lyle Alzado | Valerie Wildman | Juliet Landau | Monte Markham | Creed Bratton | Richard Sanders | T.J. Lowther | Arsenio 'Sonny' Trinidad | Nick Klar | Jesse Bennett | Sally Jackson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/06/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Always great to see anything with Michael Ironside in it. Here he plays a bounty hunter who captures and has to escort a valuable fugitive played by Vanity. Lyle Alzado does a nice job playing an ex-con driver. I have a soft sport for post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies so this is right up my alley. Kinda surprised I hadn’t seen it before.


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