
The Big Knife (1955)

Directed by Robert Aldrich

Drama | Crime | Film Noir

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Movie star Charlie Castle draws the ire of Hollywood producer Stanley Hoff when he refuses to sign a new seven-year contract. Castle is sick of the low quality of the studio’s films and wants to start a new life. While his estranged wife supports him in the decision, Castle’s talent agent urges him to reconsider. When Castle continues to be uncooperative, Hoff resorts to blackmail in order to get his way.

Rated NR | Length 111 minutes


Jack Palance | Ida Lupino | Wendell Corey | Jean Hagen | Rod Steiger | Shelley Winters | Ilka Chase | Everett Sloane | Wesley Addy | Paul Langton | Nick Dennis | Bill Walker | Michael Winkelman | Richard Boone | Nick Cravat | Robert Emhardt | Mel Welles | Michael Fox | Strother Martin | Ralph Volkie

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/06/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

As it’s based on a play, this is pretty dialogue heavy, which gives actors the potential to shine in really juicy roles. Luckily Aldrich gets some great performances out of Jack Palance, Ida Lupino, Rod Steiger and Shelly Winters. In fact I’d say this is career best from Palance and Steiger who are both astoundingly good in this.


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