
Intrépidos punks (1988)

Directed by Francisco Guerrero

Action | Crime

Most recently watched by sleestakk


After Fiera and her punk cohorts break their leader Tarzan out of prison, no one is safe! The newly reunited gang are quick to resume their favorite pastimes: robbing banks, brokering drug deals, and securing weapons, all while leaving a trail of mutilated corpses in their wake. As the entire countryside becomes caught up in the punk’s lifestyle of debauchery and violence, it’s up to federal agents Javier and Marco to track them down before bloodthirsty anarchy becomes the new way of life.

Length 91 minutes


Juan Valentín | Ana Luisa Peluffo | Princesa Lea | Martha Elena Cervantes | Alfredo Gutiérrez | Olga Ríos | Laura Tovar | Andrea Aguirre | Rosita Bouchot | El Fantasma | Juan Gallardo | Guillermo Lagunes | Ramón Blanco | Nora Torrero | Socorro Albarrán

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/24/2024Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Great to see this for the first time in a pretty full theater of like-minded weirdos like myself, and with a live punk band playing a 20 minute set beforehand, thanks to Teresa Mercado of Scream Screen.


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