
Hell Hole (2024)

Directed by Toby Poser, John Adams

Horror | Comedy


Far away, in the desolate Serbian wilderness, a U.S.-led fracking crew uncover a dormant monster gestating inside a centuries-old French soldier. Now awakened and exposed in its most dangerously fragile state, it tears through the men on the grounds in search of a new womb.

Length 92 minutes


Toby Poser | John Adams | Max Portman | Anders Hove | Olivera Peruničić | Aleksandar Trmcic | Petar Arsić | Bruno Veljanovski | Boris Lukman | Joana Knežević | Marko Filipović | Janko Radišić | Marko Vučković | Ivan Djordjevic | Fedor Đorović | Marina Gunjača

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/26/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

The Adams family’s latest dropped on Shudder so I decided to end the night with it. I like the first half more than the second. It starts out with some great character dialogue and humor but gets a little unfocused in the second half. Great to see them continuing to make their brand of movie even with a bigger budget (still small I’m sure), cast and crew.


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