
Opposing Force (1986)

Directed by Eric Karson

Action | Drama | Thriller


A group of elite soldiers, including one woman, sign up for the ultimate training mission. The group parachutes onto a remote island, where their objective is to reach the safety zone before the “opposing force” captures them. Everything does not go as expected, and the training mission turns into the real thing.

Rated NR | Length 100 minutes


Tom Skerritt | Lisa Eichhorn | Anthony Zerbe | Richard Roundtree | Robert Wightman | John Considine | Dan Hamilton | George Cheung | Paul Joynt | Jay Louden | Ken Wright | Michael James | Warren McLean | John Melcher | Scott Sanders | Steve Rogers | David Light | Bent Pederson | Vic Ordonez | Berto Spoor | Ding Navasero | Steve Cook | Jim Gaines | Bill Kipp | Rohy Batliwala | Boy Ybanez | Rafael Shulz | Tony 'Satch' Williams | Renato Morado | Jeff Moldovan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/28/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars


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