
The Night of the Walking Dead (1975)

Directed by León Klimovsky



In a 19th century village, a young aristocrat suffering from a terminal disease finds herself being drawn to the underground world of vampires and their strange rituals.

Length 88 minutes


Emma Cohen | Carlos Ballesteros | Tota Alba | Barta Barri | Roberto Camardiel | José Lifante | Viky Lussón | Ángel Menéndez | Manuel Pereiro | Mary Paz Pondal | Lorenzo Robledo | Rafael Hernández | Carmen Carro | Amparo Climent | Ana Farra | Carme Contreras | José Luis Lizalde

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/15/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Vampires. LOTS of vampires. The scene where the villagers run around trying to dig them up and stake them (in the head, not the heart) just before dusk is pretty hilarious.


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