
Nightbeast (1982)

Directed by Don Dohler

Science Fiction | Horror | Action

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A creature from outer space, nightbeast, crash lands in Baltimore and starts a killing spree that quickly escelates.

Rated R | Length 81 minutes


Tom Griffith | Jamie Zemarel | Karin Kardian | George Stover | Don Leifert | Anne Frith | Eleanor Herman | Richard Dyszel | Greg Dohler | Kim Pfeiffer | Monica Neff | Glenn Barnes | Rose Wolfe | Jerry Schuerholz | Hank Stuhmer | Fred Gibmeyer | Richard Ruxton | Bumb Roberts | Don Dohler | David W. Donoho | Rick Ernest | Richard Geiwitz | Larry Reichman | Christopher Gummer

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/10/2024ComputerBroadcastOther6 stars
04/10/2010TVStreamingVideo on DemandN/A

Viewing Notes

This is a pretty fun low budget regional film. The writing is what elevates this from average to good. I need to dig into more Dohler films.


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