
Batman and Robin (1964)

Directed by Donald F. Glut

Action | Adventure | Short


Vickie Vale, who has the combination of the Gotham City National Bank has been kidnapped by The Mask and his henchmen. Batman and Robin attempt to rescue Vale, but Batman is rendered unconscious and Robin is taken prisoner by the gang. The gang have escaped in a car, with Batman following on foot. Eventually, batman catches up, frees Vale and Robin, and they fight the bad guys. The Mask throws a hand grenade at Batman, who catches it and throws it back, destroying The Mask.

Length 2 minutes


Donald F. Glut

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/11/2024ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

This is a pretty fun, very short (2 minutes 20 seconds) live action film made by Glut as a teenager. Batman and Robin rescue Vickie Vale from… the Mask! On Youtube. Seems a lot of his short amateur monster movies aren’t available anywhere. Still looking.


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