
We All Scream for Ice Cream (2007)

Directed by Tom Holland



Years ago, they pulled a disastrous childhood prank on the neighborhood ice cream delivery man that got him killed, but now as they’ve become adults with families of their own, the last thing anyone expected was for that man to come back in the form of a vengeful, bloodthirsty spirit.

Length 57 minutes


William Forsythe | Lee Tergesen | Brent Sheppard | Maxwell Neck | Tim Henry | Laura Drummond | Colin Cunningham | Ingrid Tesch | Quinn Lord | Tom Holland

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/16/2024ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Back on my shit. This one is pretty average. I love William Forsythe’s performance as the ice cream truck driving clown though!


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