
Angel's Project (1993)

Directed by Cheung Ho-Tak

Action | Crime | Adventure


A realistic fight scenes; full punches, kicks, fast kungfu/karate movements, not just handling a safety wire to support high flips and deadly kicks…

Length 90 minutes


Moon Lee | Sibelle Hu | Benny Lai Keung-Kuen | Cheung Ho-Tak | Lung Fong | 郑恕峰 | Cliff Lok | Sin Bo-Ming | Chun Kwai-Bo | Jameson Lam Wa-Fan | Wan Seung-Lam | Cheung Bing-Chan | Mark Houghton | Hung Chi-Sing | To Wai-Wo | Kwok-Kai Ng

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/27/2024ComputerStreamingOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

Fun action but this one is a bit of a dud.


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